KR Designs 11 - Beadwoven Jewelry Blog

This blog is for my comments about making beadwoven jewelry, my inspirations, frustrations, and love of color.

The banner is Lilacs in Springtime, a free form peyote bracelet.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Facebook Timeline

I've been working on small druzy cabochon pendants--a white with matte opaque deep turquoise, a honey color with white, and an amber colored one. Sorry no pics yet.

I liked the blue lace agate necklace so much, I purchased a round and an oval shaped cab so that I can make more items in my collection. I also purchased two lavender amethyst cabs, a small rectangular turquoise cab, and an aquamarine oval cab. I am going to be very busy doing bead embroidery as these are regular size cabs, not tiny or small ones. I have some findings with a pin/bail so customers can have two ways to wear the beadwork. These purchases were my reward to myself for facing the Timeline on Facebook for my business page.

I waited until the last minute to make changes on my business Facebook page. So Thursday afternoon was the time I scheduled as I've been warned the changes will take affect on 3/30.

I used my Lilacs in Springtime bracelet for the first page. It's the same bracelet I have in the heading of my etsy shop and this blog. I have used parts of the photo for half of the round Moo stickers. The bracelet also appears on my business and earring cards. If you're wondering where that bracelet is, I have it; may keep it as it was the one I showed off to get started as a business. Maybe I should adjust the size so I can wear it.

Please visit my Facebook business page . I need "Likes". Any ideas on what I should post there would be appreciated.

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