I also wanted to remind you that it is time to vote in the Etsy Beadweavers monthly challenge. With a theme of "Autumn Falling of Leaves", there are more entries than last month's very popular one on Bollywood. Next month, we are to select a holiday and create something for that occasion--should be popular also.
You can either use the link I have on my blog or go to http://www.etsy-beadweavers.blogspot.com and vote for your choice. The thumbnails are small, so if you click on the number/creator names listed below the mosaic photo, you will be taken to the etsy shop to view the entire write up and multiple photos. My entry is in the lower right hand corner. Enjoy!
Abslutely gorgeous. Once again, beautifully woven. I can definately see that with a little black dress on New Years Eve.